
Effortless tailor made Web Strategy and Development leveraging intelligent technologies

We are dedicated to simplifying complex problems and providing accessible solutions to a companies that are selling high-stakes products. With a commitment to unmatched accountability and a foundation of radical transparency, we deliver undeniable value to our clients. Through our proven process of thorough discovery, planning, rigorous testing, and phased development, we ensure the viability of our plans and mitigate project risks.

Three Uniques

  • We make complex problems and their solutions easy to understand for anyone.
  • Our accountability level can be compared to space launch.
  • Radical transparency at the core.


  • Crystal clear plan
  • Grey zones destroyed
  • Undeniable value

Proven Process

  1. Consultation - Meeting about the pain points and potential solutions
  2. Discovery - Meetings, research and planning to understand the pain points and come up with a clear plan
  3. Technical Demo - Development of a demo to prove the plan's viability and resolve highest risk points
  4. Phased development - Development with weekly meetings with client
  5. Internal Testing - Testing of the solution internally to fix problems
  6. Client Testing - Providing client with a testable product
  7. Client Sign-off - Client approval of the developed solution
  8. Launch - Solution public launch
  9. Ongoing Maintenance & Development - Start ongoing feature, performance and systems health development

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